Things about computing, the web or just things

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gone Phishing?

Ok, so what is this phishing stuff. Well to put it as short and complete as possible here is my article on that very subject.

Who hasn’t received an email directing them to visit a familiar website where they are being asked to update their personal information? The website needs you to verify or update your passwords, credit card numbers, social security number, or even your bank account number. You recognize the business name as one that you’ve conducted business with in the past. So, you click on the convenient “take me there” link and proceed to provide all the information they have requested. Unfortunately, you find out much later that the website is bogus. It was created with the sole intent to steal your personal information. You, my friend, have just been “phished”.

Phishing (pronounced as “fishing”) is defined as the act of sending an email to a recipient falsely claiming to have an established, legitimate business. The intent of the phisher is to scam the recipient into surrendering their private information, and ultimately steal your identity.

It is not at easy as you think to spot an email phishing for information. At first glance, the email may look like it is from a legitimate company. The "From" field of the e-mail may have the .com address of the company mentioned in the e-mail. The clickable link even appears to take you to the company's website, when in fact, it is a fake website built to replicate the legitimate site.

Many of these people are professional criminals. They have spent a lot of time in creating emails that look authentic. Users need to review all emails requesting personal information carefully. When reviewing your email remember that the "From Field" can be easily changed by the sender. While it may look like it is coming from a .com you do business with, looks can be deceiving. Also keep in mind that the phisher will go all out in trying to make their email look as legitimate as possible. They will even copy logos or images from the official site to use in their emails. Finally, they like to include a clickable link that the recipient can follow to conveniently update their information.
A great way to check the legitimacy of the link is to point at the link with your mouse. Then, look in the bottom left hand screen of your computer. The actual website address to which you are being directed will show up for you to view. It is a very quick and easy way to check if you are being directed to a legitimate site.

Finally, follow the golden rule. Never, ever, click the links within the text of the e-mail, and always delete the e-mail immediately. Once you have deleted the e-mail, empty the trash box in your e-mail accounts as well. If you are truly concerned that you are missing an important notice regarding one of your accounts, then type the full URL address of the website into your browser. At least then you can be confident that you are, in fact, being directed to the true and legitimate website.

I guess in other words BE CAREFUL. (Sorry for yelling). If you have any doubts do not click and give.

Happy computing

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What you need to know about computer repair and you!

Hello, Introductions are in order for this first foray into blogging. I am a 20 year plus computer guy. I started this when the computer had two 5.25 inch drives, an 8 mhz(WOW) cpu (8086) and if you had a hard drive it would make a very heavy boat anchor. A 4000 name mailing list would take me most of the day and half the night to edit, sort and print. My first computer was a Zenith Z100 all in one,(green or amber screen),8Mhz (now 3.0Ghz +) 640K RAM and no hard drive.

Well enough nostalgia for now. The changes have been fast and plentiful and very interesting to keep up with. Computer repairing now is a matter of identifying the problem and replacing the bad part or installing new drivers or software. The one thing that is not so easy to replace or get new is the user. We are all different and have our likes and dislikes and ways of doing things. As a computer technician I need the user on my side. Sometime this is not easy but necessary. Hopefully this blog will help user and the technician agree on the task at hand, fix this @@@#%@@ thing.

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